Friday 8 March 2013

All About Zayn Malik
This blog is about the beautiful boy Zayn Malik (My Babe)

DOB: Jan. 12, 1993
Full Name: Zayn Javadd Malik
Relationship Status: In a Relationship with Perrie Edwards.
Age: 20
From: Bradford, England
Star Sign: Capricorn
Worst Habit: Vanity
Special Skill: Drawing (Art)
Fears: Heights
Shoe Size: 8
Height: 5”9
Catch Phrase: “Vas Happenin’”
Nickname: Zaynster or Bradford Bad Boy 
Zayn’s Favourites:
Book: Harry Potter
Film: Freedom Writers, Scarface
Body Part: His jaw line
Food: Chicken
Album: Donell Jones
Celebrity Lady: Megan Fox and Jessica Alba
Shop: Topman
Drink: Red Bull
Color: Red
TV Show: Family Guy
Aftershave: Unforgivable by Sean John
Perfume: “I don’t know names but I like sweet ones.”
Computer Game: Halo
Iphone App: Fat Face
Way To Spend A Sunday: In Bed
Date Venue: Restaurant
Country: England
Restaurant: Nandos
Way To Relax: Chilling out in bed
Night Out: Cinema
Band: *NSYNC
Duvet Cover: Black
Pants: Jersey Boxers
First Pet: A staffie dog called Tyson
Zayn likes his own company. He likes the company of others but he likes being alone too.
Type of Girl: “Someone I can get on with. I don’t have a specific type looks-wise. I want someone who I feel comfortable around and I can spoil a bit.”
Meaningful Girlfriend Traits: Meaningful Conversation
Superpower: Ability to Fly
Fav. Song Ever: Thriller by Michael Jackson
Pet hate: Chewing Loudly

Fun Facts:
  • He was born in Saint Luke’s hospital in Bradford, England.
  • Zayn’s name is originally spelt ‘Zain’, however he prefers ‘Zayn’.
  • ‘Zayn’ means ‘Beautiful’ in Arabic.
  • Zayn is a Muslim.
  • Zayn first appeared on X-Factor as a solo artist.
  • His father is from Pakistan.
  • Zayn suffers from Acrophobia, which is the fear of heights.
  • He has light brown eyes.
  • Zayn has his left ear pierced.
  • He prefers his iPhone 4 to his BlackBerry.
  • Before X-Factor, Zayn had never been on a plane.
  • Zayn has one older sister and two younger sisters.
  • He likes intelligent girls.
  • He can play the triangle.
  • Zayn’s X-Factor serial number is #165616.
  • He has a pet dog called Boris and two cats called Rolo and Tom.
  • Zayn is a smoker.
  • He can’t swim.
  • His favourite Pokémon is Oshawott.
  • He ripped his boxers once, and a fan told him.
  • If you meet him and give him your Twitter name, he will follow you.
  • He is scared of the dark!
  • Zayn held Harry’s hand when Harry got his first tattoo.
  • He says he wants to get married before he reaches the age of thirty.
  • He always brushes his teeth before going on stage.
  • His favourite shark is a hammerhead!
  • Zayn didn’t have a passport before he was on X-Factor.
  • His official Twitter profile is @ZaynMalik
  • Zayn likes girls with long dark brown hair.
  • Zayn wants a girl that he can speak to all day or night and he can tell them everything.
  • He applied for the X Factor the previous year, but he chickened out on the day.
  • When he was young, he thought the phone number was how much their phone bill costs.
  • “I’m by far the neatest person in the band…the others are pigs.”
  • Zayn doesn’t use a duvet or cover to sleep with, he only sleeps in his underwear.
  • If Zayn were a girl, he’d fancy Louis.
  • If Zayn weren’t in the band, he’d be an English teacher.
  • “I’d spend a day with the fans if they were a little…quieter.”
  • Zayn has given away his hat at a signing before.
  • He thinks the best part of a girl is her eyes.
  • Zayn’s most played song is All Black by Chris Brown.
  • He used to write songs for his girlfriend.
  • Zayn has already failed his New Year’s resolution, which was to quit smoking.
  • Zayn is trying to quit smoking because he knows his fans don’t like it.
  • On Twitter, Harry, Liam, Louis and Niall all had their official site in their bio’s, whereas Zayn had a link to a site for Zayn Malik only fans.
  • “I like girls with depth. I like a looker, but intelligent girls are hot too.”
  • Zayn wishes he could swap voices with Niall.
  • He held Harry’s hand when Harry got his tattoo.
  • Harry shaved a “H” into Zayn’s leg hair while Zayn was asleep.
  • Zayn once dated triplets at the same time!
  • Zayn said if he was stranded on a deserted island, he’d take Louis if he had the chance.
  • He bites his lip when he’s hiding something, or is nervous.
  • Zayn says he’s a romantic guy deep down, and is always there to listen if his girlfriend needs to talk to him.
  • Zayn has always wanted to do a Bruno Mars cover.
  • He wrote the verse he sings in ‘What Makes You Beautiful.’
  • Zayn likes curvy girls.
  • Zayn’s perfect first date would be taking a girl out for a romantic dinner.
  • He has a habit of biting inside of his bottom lip.
  • Zayn said his ideal kiss would be on a roof under the moonlight.
  • He says he’s a very protective boyfriend.
  • Zayn likes to remind the boys at least once a day that he came out number 1 in Sugarscape’s Hot Lads of 2011 poll.
  • He’s really close to his little sister and asks her for advise on girls.
  • If he were a girl, he’d marry Liam.
  • “There’s nothing better than lying in bed or on the couch with a girl just to talk. Sounds corny, but it’s my thing.”
  • Zayn threw a TV out of a window when he was six.
  • He got over his fear of water while shooting for ‘What Makes You Beautiful.’
  • He’s been writing songs and poems since before he was famous.
  • He felt like an outcast when they were placed together to form One Direction.
  • He’s still waiting on the day to sing “Let Me Love You” to the girl he really loves.
  • If Zayn thinks a fan is cute or adorable, he’ll bob his head next to her in pictures.
  • If he annoys Liam, Liam won’t talk to him until Zayn gives him a hug.
  • When Chris Brown followed him, he ran to Niall and Liam to fanboy.
  • Zayn follows Taylor Swift on Twitter.
  • He wants a girl who doesn’t know she’s beautiful, so he has an excuse to let her know all the time.
  • Zayn once tweeted a man ‘babe’ because he thought that they were a girl.
  • Zayn’s gotten his ears pierced about seven times.
  • Zayn sometimes Googles himself when he’s bored.
  • He used to eat paper all the time when he was younger.
  • When he doesn’t know the words to a song, he just sings random words to the tune.
  • When Zayn was younger, he used to think that he would never get a girl to fall in love with him.
  • Zayn doesn’t let his friends watch the video of him refusing to dance at bootcamp because he thinks it’s embarrassing.
  • “Zayn has freakishly large hands.” - Louis
  • Zayn has plans to rap on their future album.
  • He likes girls who play hard to get.
  • Zayn can do approximately 70 kick ups with a football, without failing.
  • He likes pink nail polish on girls.
  • Zayn was 8 when he wrote his first love letter.
  • Louis says Zayn does funny dancing when he’s drunk.
  • He would date a model, but would marry a fan or normal girl.
  • Zayn got expelled from two schools for fighting.
  • He wanted to call the album “Zayn and the Boys.”
  • When asked to describe his naked body, he said Louis would say it was “hot and spicy.”
  • “I once ate Niall’s last chip, he tried to eat my hand as punishment.”
  • Zayn doesn’t like his lips.
  • On the way to Sweden, the boys hid Zayn’s luggage to make him think he’d left it in the UK by accident.
  • Zayn's Tattoo's
  • Zayn has a yin yang symbol on his wrist which means and represents the ancient Chinese understanding of how things work. The outer circle represents “everything”, while the black and white shapes within the circle represent the interaction of two energies, called “yin” (black) and “yang” (white), which cause everything to happen.
  • In various interviews, Zayn has said that the tattoo of the crossed fingers on his forearm means a symbol of Good luck.
  • The third tattoo is an arabic tattoo spelled “Walter” on his chest. Walter is actually a name of Zayn’s grandfather.
  • Zayn has a tattoo of a playing card which is located on his stomach, this tatoo also has a crown with the initials ZM on it.
  • Zayn has a tattoo on his lower stomach which used to be a “born lucky” tattoo in chinese symbol, but later on, Zayn got it covered with a heart symbol.
  • He also has a silver fern on his neck. This is a New Zealand symbol for Good luck.
  • Zayn has an inscription across his left collarbone. He has tweeted that this inscription means “be true to who you are” he tweeted:’For every1 asking what the new tatt means it says be true to who you are’.
  • This is the very band new tattoo from our lad Zayn Malik, he inked his arm a life-size image of a microphone etched on his arm in LA on Saturday June 17, 2012.
  • Zayn added another tattoo recently which is a jig saw puzzle piece which is underneath his arm near by his elbow. Zayn has not confirmed what it means.
  • Zayn has also been RUMORED to have added another tattoo which reads “F*** OFF” in all caps, which is also underlined. This tattoo is also located on his forearm, near the puzzle piece tattoo.
  • Zayn has added a more recent tat, that says “ZAP” on his right arm. Some people have claimed that Zayn got the tattoo for his Little Mix girlfriend and that the letters stand for ‘Zayn and Perrie’ However, Zayn recently explained that the word has a special meaning for him and Louis Tomlinson, saying:‘Basically it stands for a society of club zappers. Me and Louis are captain Zappers and we have converted the rest of the boys, they are a part of it.’ 
    Watch the explanation of “ZAP” HERE
  • Zayn has also added another tattoo which is the number 6 on his right arm. The explanation for this new tattoo is unknown as of now.
  • Zayn also has a number 5 tattoo (next to his microphone tattoo)
  • He has added a number 1 tattoo (next to the fingers crossed tattoo)
  • Also, another number 1 tattoo (next to ZAP tattoo)
  • There is also a phrase on his right collarbone but I cannot find out what it says at the moment.
  • Zayn has a 6 tattoo on his right arm (on the right of his microphone tattoo)
  • Also, another 6 tattoo on his right arm (on the left of his microphone tattoo)
  • A 1 tattoo on his right arm (down his crossed fingers tattoo)
  • All in all, Zayn has 18 CONFIRMED tattoos:)